Meet the Roche Family

Roche Cattle is a family owned and operated business out of Parma, Idaho. Trevor and Andrea Roche met in college and somehow this country boy convinced this city girl that living in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of cows and blonde kids was a great idea. 15 years later, she finally admits he was right.

Trevor was raised on a commercial cattle operation but realized the opportunity in that industry was quickly diminishing in their area. Seeking a better way to support a young and growing family and discover a more modern business model that enabled him to still be involved in the industry he knew and loved, he founded Roche Cattle.

Roche Cattle seeks first and foremost to satisfy the customer. Whether you purchase a bull, bred cow, or show calf, your satisfaction is #1. Our goal is to never lose a customer. We may be young(ish), but we base our business in old school values and our loyal clientele can attest to that.

If you ever have questions about us or our program, give us a call. We’re always happy to talk cattle, college football or our favorite BBQ recipe. (You’ll just have to excuse the 6 loud kids in the background!)